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About APM Vocational Institute

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APM Vocational Institute provides classes for construction professionals in a culturally competent, bilingual atmosphere so that students may grasp advanced concepts quickly in Spanish, and obtain practical experience, as well as build their working vocabulary in English. Students have the benefit of in-class training exercises and fieldwork under the supervision of the instructor.

Entry level programs target a Hispanic audience that consists of adult men and women for whom English is their second language. These students need remedial instruction to the extent that they would not succeed in a traditional ABC or other apprenticeship course. However, many of these students have been recruited by ABC, IEC and IBEW members such as Beckstrom Electric, MC Dean, Newcomb Electric, RCD Inc. Electrical Services. For native English speakers, APM Vocational Institute has also provided "Spanish for Managers" as well of a host of safety certification courses designed for crew leaders, managers and contractors.

APM Vocational Institute had humble beginnings in 2000 when the classes were taught at the Culmore Resource Center and the Hispanic Committee of Virginia. We did not turn away students because they struggled to learn English, on the contrary, we seek to fill in those gaps with instruction in mathematics, science and English in addition to practical, real life experiences, faced every day by electricians.

APM Vocational Institute is led by Alvin Pardo-Monell, a professional Electrical Engineer and Master Electrician with more than 25 years of experience in the Electrical field. Pardo-Monell has been a NCCER certified Master Trainer since June, 2003 and is a certified Master Craft Electrical Instructor. He is also an OSHA Construction Outreach Instructor and certified by the American Red Cross to teach first aid and CPR in English and Spanish.

Our Staff: Alvin Pardo-Monell


Alvin is the founder/Principal of APM Vocational Institute, serving the Washington DC metropolitan area. He has worked in the electrical field for more than 20 years. Alvin is a much sought-after instructor, having taught in the electrical engineering department of Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico where he graduated with a BSEE in electric power engineering in 1989. He is also an OSHA Authorized Outreach Construction Trainer.

Alvin has presented several NEC and OSHA lectures for electrical engineers, masters, journeymen and apprentice electricians. For Maryland, Florida, Virginia, and the District of Columbia he has also developed a bilingual curriculum for electrical apprentices.



His unique style of cross-cultural education has enabled him to reach a variety of audiences. His expertise is a result of practical experience in residential, commercial, industrial and military projects.

A former Distribution Systems Electrical Engineer and Inspector, also a U.S. Navy Construction Electrician, Alvin presents several electrical theory seminars and serves as a consultant to licensed electrical engineers, professional electricians, and consumers.

Alvin has advised on electrical construction requirements according to the National Electric Code and related electrical standards. He worked for the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) as a program manager were he coordinated proposed changes to NFPA's National Electrical Code (NEC).

He earned a Master of Engineering degree from the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey and also holds a Master of Science degree from Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida. He is certified by the NCCER (National Center for Construction Education and Research) as Master Trainer and Electrical Craft Instructor.

He is currently writing an electrical wiring manual in Spanish, teaches at Montgomery College and devotes himself to community service projects in addition to running APM Electrical Technologies, an electrical contracting firm. He holds several certifications and licenses in the field and has received numerous letters of endorsement.

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